On February 3-5th, thirteen LSU Athletic Training Students attended the 26th Annual SEATA Student Symposium in Atlanta, GA. During their stay, the students had the opportunity to present two oral Case Study Abstract Presentations and nine Case Study Abstract Posters. In addition to the student presentations, they were fortunate enough to be able to listen to several noteworthy speakers and lecturers from around the country regarding relevant topics in Athletic Training. The students participated in labs and lectures on topics such as Sports Nutrition and Orthotics. The 3rd year students had a full session that did nothing but serve as a BOC review. The students joined up with Quinnipiac University of Hamden, Connecticut and put together a team for the Quiz Bowl. Although they did not win first prize, the LSU and Quinnipiac students had a blast answering tough questions. Aside from the beneficial insight into relevant Athletic Training Education topics, the students and their new Quinnipiac University friends were also able to enjoy some down time with an evening dinner and social. The LSU Students had a great time representing their program, as well building their social network. The students are already looking forward to attending again next year!
To view the official LSU Media News Release on this year's trip to SEATA Student Symposium, click here.