In December 2010, Melissa Thompson, PhD, MEd, ATC, Clinical Instructor in the Athletic Training Education Program received her Doctoral degree in Kinesiology. Her dissertation topic was "Dynamic Acriomiohumeral Interval Changes During Scapular Plane Arm Motions". She has an abstract entitled "Dynamic Acromiohumeral Interval Changes in Baseball Players During Scaption Exercises" which was published in November 2010. To view her dissertation abstract in the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, click on the citation below:
Thompson, MD, Landin, D, & Page, PA. (2010). Dynamic acromiohumeral interval changes in baseball players during scaption exercises. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 20(2).
Melissa, wife of LSU's Staff Certified Athletic Trainer Keith Thompson, is the mother of two boys and plays a critical role in our Athletic Training Education Program serving as Clinical Instructor, teaching Injury Rehabilitation, Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases, Basic Athletic Training, Biomechanics, and Cadaver Dissection. Originally from Highland, California, she received her Athletic Training Education and Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Science at Truman State University, and received her Master's of Education in 2001 from the University of Virginia. She is also the faculty adviser for LSU's Alpha Tau Sigma student organization and serves as student adviser for the Athletic Training Education Program. We are all very proud of Melissa and her accomplishments and are very appreciative to have her a part of our Athletic Training Staff.