As the unfortunate events in Haiti have occurred many people have come together to help. Among these people are a few of the commonly used orthopedic physicians at LSU. Dr. Craig Greene, an orthopedic trauma specialist, was in the first round of physicians that left for Haiti January 17 and is heading up “TheGreeneTeam”, which is the name the group of orthopedists gave themselves. On January 21 a new group of physicians traveled to Haiti. Among this group were Head LSU Team Orthopedists, Dr. Brent Bankston, and Dr. Larry Ferachi.
- Click here to read a WAFB news story posted January 20 about this group of physicians.
- Click here to follow the Twitter of “TheGreeneTeam”.
- Click here to view a NBC interview of Dr. Greene after his return from Haiti.

As the recovery of Haiti continues we ask that your thoughts and prayers go out to the effected Haitians as well as all those attempting to do their part in lending help. If you wish to make a donation towards the Haiti relief, you will see a link at the bottom of the WAFB story mentioned above.