On November 11
th, the
LSU Athletic Training Program, with the help of Dr.
Burnham, MD,
LSU Head Team Physician, welcomed Dr. Anthony
Petraglia, MD to discuss the current research and science related to the proper management for sports concussions. Dr.
Petraglia graduated from the University of Chicago in 2002 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Neuroscience and earned his medical degree from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in 2007. Dr.
Petraglia is the first neurosurgery resident to complete a Neurological Sports Medicine Fellowship and was the
McNair Neurosurgical Sports Medicine Fellow in Houston, Texas. He is currently completing his Neurological Surgery training at the University of Rochester. Dr.
Petraglia has worked under Dr. Julian
Bailes, who has done extensive work on preventative treatment of concussions and the role of
DHA/Omega 3. He has worked as a team physician for several collegiate and high school teams and has also helped establish a concussion clinic in the greater Rochester area.

Petraglia’s guest lecture not only defined concussions and the standard treatment, but it also featured prevention and up and coming research. His presentation included videos of athletes, from peewee football to high profile collegiate athletes and their concussion experiences. When asked about Dr.
Petraglia and his presentation, clinical instructor, Melissa Thompson, PhD, Med,
PES, said, “He provided a great summary of the most recent and relevant concussion research and its application to practitioners. There are still a lot of unanswered questions about concussions, but there is also a growing body of research evidence out there that EVERY medical professional who works with concussed individuals should know about AND USE IN CLINICAL PRACTICE.” The information Dr.
Petraglia presented was very new and inventive and unique to any other concussion material the program has been presented with before. Second year athletic training student, Caitlin McKinley said, “He had such a new, fresh insight about concussions. Instead of the usual let's assess the concussion, he taught us what was physiologically going on inside the body and brain. His video's showed different levels of how a concussion can affect a person mentally. I think he did a fabulous job and really helped us learn more in depth information about concussions.” The
LSU Athletic Training Staff and students feel fortunate to have had access to someone like Dr.
Petraglia who is an expert and involved in cutting edge research that will help us all understand the intricacies of the brain and its response to concussions and traumatic brain injury. We thank him for his time and interest in our program at